skirt: jcrew via thrift, CA (similar) // tights: h&m, old // t shirt: gap, old (similar) // jacket: banana republic, gift (thanks, ma!) // shoes: gap via thrift, CA // scarf: thrifted, CA (similar, ish) // belt: f21 // bag: thrifted, CA // earrings: gift--thanks, tim! (similar)
If you're a frequent reader 'round these parts, you'll probably recognize this wall-and-door backdrop -- it's right outside of my apartment and laziness often takes over, so I regularly pose for outfit pictures directly underneath my living room window. What you don't know is that my two cats, Marl Brae and Little Sister, find this whole thing extremely worrisome and distasteful. They do not approve, and can often be found scratching at the window pane, meowing at me and my camera man. So, today, I'd like to introduce these sweet felines of ours. Cats, meet blog. Blog, meet cats. And, you know... here are some outfit pictures, too. Come for the cats, stay for the clothes -- that's how we do it around here.