I miss you around me.;
Whenever you put your arm's around,
My feet can't seem to touch the ground,
And I promise to love you till the day I die,
Because your love give's me wing's to fly..</3
Promise me you are just mine.;
I feel your touch when you are far,
And I hear your voice all the time,
I wish my eyes see a falling star everytime,
That I want you and your love for a lifetime,
Becoz you make me believe love is true,
And that is so pure and divine,
Now I can't imagine a life without you,
So promise me, you'll be forever mine..</3
I promise to Love you Always,;

When days become dark and nights well cold,
When hairs become grey and eyes all old,
I Promise to love you always like I do,
will kiss you every night morning shows..</3
My Love is so free.;

Love me without fear,
Trust me without questioning,
Need me without demanding,
Want me without restrictions,
Accept me without change,
Desire me without inhabitions,
For a love so free,
Will never fly away..,</3