Home » » FABruary Day 26 - Vest

FABruary Day 26 - Vest

Written By Unknown on Monday, February 25, 2013 | 5:20 PM

What I wore: straight blue jeans and vintage grey wool suit vest (thrifted), yellow dragonfly print t-shirt (local market), jewellery Matalan.

As promised I continued the yellow and theme on Day 2 of our long weekend in Christchurch!  I picked up this dragonfly t-shirt at the Auckland City, Aotea Square years ago and still love the print even if it is getting a little see through these days!  Phew this is an outfit for Day 26 of Fabruary and I'll be honest it's been hard work keeping up the dares.  Not that I don't love this vest - but I can see myself getting more wear out of it as the weather cools.

Anyway as you can see below we all had a neat afternoon at New Brighton Beach.  It was really interesting eye-opening driving out that way.  The eastern side of Christchurch appears to have suffered the worst of it - so many condemned houses, undrivable roads, etc.  It was wonderful after driving through that see so many people enjoying a beautiful day playing in the fountain, braving the waves, or just strolling the pier.

Linking up today with Thrifters Anonymous

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