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Wardrobe Wednesday - Pink

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 | 10:05 AM


WELCOME to the Wardrobe Wednesday (WW) link-up! To those that have linked in or followed WW before you may recognise some things will stay the same and some things will change. One feature I love from when Miriam hosted is the weekly theme - something that each week you can choose to focus on showing off (or not).

I'm participating in Fox in Flats month of daily style dares and today's theme is 'pink'.  It seemed a great time to show off the dress I wore for my Mum's wedding this weekend.  Ok you're right it's not pink but my lips and nails were!  And so were the bride's...

 Her gorgeous bouquet!

My husband as the serenader!  Playing the wedding march for the lovely couple as they walked up the aisle.

 My boys enjoyed their job as page boys... almost as much as playing in our group transport; a red double decker London bus.

And finally the beautiful bride!!!

One of the new WW features is that each week I'll pick one of you beautiful ladies from the previous week to feature. It may be my favourite, or perhaps the most clicked on (if I can work out how to figure that out!) but it's a great chance to put the spotlight on new and exciting blogs that we might not have seen before. This week's special feature is Catherine from 'Not Dressed as Lamb'.  Not only does she have the most amazing photography but also an amazing style.  For those newbies like me do check out her helpful photography tips!

So what is Wardrobe Wednesday???  Over the years I've frequently felt out of touch with fashions and left behind. I started this blog (and hosting WW) in the hopes of helping some of the busy people out there like me who might be looking for inspiration, but living real lives. For some being in front of the camera is comfortable and for some it can be very scary - but I promise for those that take the leap and give this a try, you'll find a supportive audience just waiting to encourage your efforts.

I'll even be linking us up with other Wednesday Linkups: Real Girl Style (Real Girl Glam), WIWW (Transatlantic Blonde), Whatever Whenever (Rolled Up Pretty), What I Wore (Pleated Poppy), CopyCat Closet (Ma Nouvelle Mode), Fresh Fashionista (Glow Couture) and Style Sessions (Style Elixir)!

How to play?
  1. Please link to a specific blog post not just your general blog.
  2. Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for.
  3. Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button below.
  4. Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too; everyone loves to get encouragement!
Here's the WW button (note: same button but new link); just copy and paste away!

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