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All I wanna do

Written By Unknown on Thursday, January 17, 2013 | 5:01 PM

hat: urban outfitter // scarf: h&m // chambray: f21 // sweater: h&m via thrift, CA // skinnies: f21 // shoes: thrifted, CO // bracelet: thrifted

At any given moment, odds are I am wearing some version of this outfit (see here and here for proof). This is one of those looks that feels just so perfectly me, but with some newer additions than I wouldn't have worn at earlier points in my life (hat! layering!). I was a jeans and t-shirt person for a long time and that was it -- no dresses or skirts, ever. While I'm glad I've expanded my wardrobe in the last year or so, when left to my own devices I find I always come back to something basic along these sartorial lines. Basically, what I'm saying is, all I wanna do is wear this outfit (and watch a great 90s' movie with the same title as this post). What about you? What styles or shapes do you tend to fall back on year after year?

Photos by the lovely Sarah

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