skirt: // jcrew via thrift, CA // chambray: 21 // cardigan: express, gift (thanks ma!) // belt: thrifted, CA // tights: h&m // shoes: gap via thrift, CA
How have I only managed to take pictures of fifteen outfits for this (apparently, never-ending) 30? Ugh. I'm getting pretty sick on these clothes; how about you guys? Glass half full says I'm half-way through, though... and I'm doing my best to look on the bright side. I might need to have some double-outfit posts next week to wrap this bad boy up, neat with a bow on top.
As for this look, you know what I always say -- textured, sparkly cream skirt + yellow sweater? Sign me up. Throw in some chambray and boots, and call it a day. Done and done.
Photos by Sarah -- thanks!