rust skinnies: f21 // purple shirt: urban outfitters // cream cardigan: urban outfitters // boots: steve madden // belt: thrifted, VT // bag: thrifted, ME // scarf: h&m via thrift, CA
Secondly, let's talk about my hair and how it is (temporarily) perfect. Two major changes contributed to this shift: 1. I gave myself a haircut again and it worked out surprisingly well, and 2: I bought new shampoo and conditioner about a week ago, and I think my hair has finally adjusted to it. I'd been struggling with finishing off the remnants of my Bert's Bees for the last few months -- even though every time I use it, my hair feels heavy and greased up. I finally decided I was never going to make it through the last 1/4 of the bottle and tossed it. Now I'm using Deva Curl products (more info here) and a tiny dab of Lush's beer-infused shampoo (a gift to my boyfriend from his brother that I've co-opted), and guys. My hair! It's. So. Good. We even got a shot of where I am deep in thought about this recent phenomenon: