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Wednesday sees the sun

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 | 12:36 AM

As sunshine has been in short supply this month I thought I’d better get some Vitamin D while I could.
Next sandals, Thrifted patterned skirt, Matalan lemon t-shirt, Earring gift.

The belt is probably a little too thin for this outfit but it's the only belt I own in the right colour so it has to do.  My husband (photographer extraordinaire) said this morning, "if you keep this up daily aren't you going to get through everything in your wardrobe".

I also had a friend comment on my striped skirt the first time I wore it.  She said "I love that skirt but I would never buy it. Because it's so distinctive I'd be worried that everyone would groan and say 'oh she's wearing that again!'."

Interesting points and both hit the objective of this blog on the head - normal people don't have endless rows of clothes or pots of money - we wear what we have, the best we can.  You will see the same items rotating through my photos and it's because I'm the same as you.  I do the best I can to wear my clothes in different ways and I buy a few things here and there to try to update my look for the seasonal trends.  I do not apologise!

I do love this skirt - the colours in the pattern give you endless choices to match it with.  In fact it might feature in a future take 5 challenge I think!

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