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Ruby shoes

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | 9:30 AM

jacket: gift (thanks, ma!), banana republic (old)  // stripes: h&m via thrift, CA // skirt: jcrew via thrift, CA // shoes: payless // scarf: thrifted, MA // necklace: borrowed (taken) from my mom (thanks again, ma!) // bag: new! urban outfitters, mega-sale

While taking a quick break from work on an afternoon walk yesterday, I stumbled across this... weird sculpture and/or dumping ground for metal bars (?). I've got no idea what's going on here, but it made for a great location for pictures -- so, thanks for that, Oakland.

How have I only managed to take seven pictures during this 30? I swear, I've worn more like two weeks worth of 30-approved looks --  I guess that trip to Vegas threw me off my game. So, not only have I broken the no-shopping ban, I'm also failing at the thirty days part, too? Yeesh. Get it together, self!

Photos by the lovely Sarah

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