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Fashion Flashback

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 | 5:15 AM






Gap jeans & sweater, UO Heels, Handmade cowl, Tulle coat (on sale!) c/o, Kelsi Dagger tote

Even before I had anything I needed to carry around, I loved purses. I'd fill them with my bug-catching supplies and scratch-n-sniff stickers, and I always felt like an adult with something on my scrawny arm.

I still get just as excited about a new addition to my purse collection (I got this green tote for Christmas), but now I lug around boring stuff like aspirin, tampons, and credit cards. Nothing screams adult quite like feminine hygiene products and debt... and medication to deal with the headaches from both.

*The winner of the LuLu*s giveaway is Jenn of Daily Jenn. Congratulations! I'll be emailing you.*

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