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BBQ attire

Written By Unknown on Thursday, January 3, 2013 | 6:34 PM

Outfit details: Kmart cobalt blue shorts (thrifted), t-shirt (very old and unknown source), mint lion pendant (thrifted), Cotton On silver jandals.

We have been hosting and attending loads of summer barbeques this year - perhaps after a year in the UK we were suffering from withdrawal.  BBQ attire is definitely simple and comfortable and almost always accompanied by jandals here!  British BBQ's on the other hand... I remember a few with not a jandal, jeans or shorts in sight!

The kids have been having a blast and who can go past a sausage in bread - although having said that if we eat another sausage this month I may turn into a sausage!  In this week's health report I'm disappointed to report that neither husband nor I is much better, but thankfully we don't appear to have infected anyone else with the 100+ day cough yet.  Hope you're all enjoying the holiday season where ever you are.

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