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Bang, bang!

Written By Unknown on Saturday, January 5, 2013 | 3:55 PM

boots: gap via thrift, CA // socks: h&m, old // skinnies: ambiance // topaz dolman shirt: f21 // belt: coach via goodwill, CA
open knit cardigan: urban outfitters // necklace: f21 // bag: thrifted, ME

It's confession time again: I gave myself a haircut yesterday, which I guess sort of supports my new years resolution to "get more haircuts," if you ignore the part that stipulated that they be from a professional. But I didn't even really have bangs anymore, I just had... messy hair, growing out of the front of my head. It was out of control, so I hacked at it for awhile and I'm pretty pleased with the results. (At least in the front. The back is another story.)

I wore this today for some quality sister time (aka: eating things) and to play with my little tatertot niece, who is almost two years old and utterly, completely adorable. I'm proud to say that she's mastered all the important words: "uh oh," "mama," "eat" and "up!" Seriously, what else do you need? I had to hide this necklace beneath a scarf for most of the visit, since she is also quite the fashionista and very, very into grabbing.

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