boots: h&m // skinnies: ambiance // stripes: thrifted, CA // jacket: j crew outlet, old //
scarf: thanks, Sarah! // earrings: ? // bag: thrifted, ME
scarf: thanks, Sarah! // earrings: ? // bag: thrifted, ME
Step 2: Have very kind, stylish friends.
Step 3: Forget to wear a coat and scarf on Oakland's coldest day.
Step 4: Accept a friend's offer of loaned spare outerwear.
Step 5: Fall in love with the borrowed scarf and wear it in an outfit that makes it onto your blog.
Step 6: Thank your friend profusely when she offers to just give it to you, since she never wore it much anyway. (She's a fool, but a very kind one. Oh, and -- thank you, thank you thank you, Sarah!)
Step 7: Wear constantly. Bonus points if it blends into the brick background, and you don't get any good detail shots. And also, unrelated, but, you're really sleepy. Because that's what happened to me today, and I like bonus points.