Thrifted sweater/hat/bracelet,
Gap jeans,
Steve Madden Boots, French Connection bag
I wasn't going to buy this sweater, but my mom ended up snagging it at the last minute and getting it for me. (Thanks, mom!). That was 3 weeks ago.
I brought it home, sat it in the corner of the bedroom for one week, and finally found it while
cleaning throwing everything into the closet. I washed it and hung it out to dry, which took almost 2 full weeks. I am an impatient person - I can't even wait 2 minutes for a microwavable enchilada to cook, let alone 2 weeks to wear a new sweater. Now that I've washed the stranger off of it, that sweater is never touching water again - deodorant and perfume will be the closest it gets to clean.