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Things I shouldn’t wear – and how to get around it

Written By Unknown on Thursday, June 21, 2012 | 1:46 AM

Many thanks to blog visitor Jenny, who recently introduced me to Sailor Spy’s Wardrobe Wednesday Challenge. I’m giving this week’s challenge a go and to be easy it was easy to find – a thing I shouldn’t wear – and how to get around it.

Glassons black leggings, Teal tunic (unknown Dunedin designer), ASOS black chelsea boots.

Scarf from the $2 shop!

I absolutely love the colour of this top but I find that without a belt I lose all shape.  However it's actually the leggings that are the point of this post.  Leggings are a tricky one for many people to pull off - key is the length of the top and what you wear with them.  I'm never quite sure about how to get this right for me, but instead of worrying too much I've decided to give them a go with a top that always makes me feel a bit special.

The scarf just happens to be the right colour to go with the top, and the boots were needed (instead of ballet flats which would have looked better) because of the cold/wet turn of the weather (surprise suprise I hear you saying).

Welcome to wardrobe wednesday and I can't wait to try out next weeks challenge.
Wardrobe Wednesday at SailorSpy.co.nz

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