In my 31 years I've frequently felt uncool and frumpy. I started this blog (and hosting WW) in the hopes of helping some of the busy people out there like me who might be looking for inspiration, but living real lives on a budget, by trying things and learning as much as I could.
Husband was taking pics for me yesterday and our neighbour came out to see what we were up too. When he asked what the blog was about I felt a little embarrased - but why should I? I recently read a great blog post about the example outfit posters are giving our children. What does it say if you are proud of your appearance, if you are confident, making an effort and having fun?
I was also reflecting on why I blog last week during our trip to Christchurch whilst sitting at the airport. Noticing all these very stylish travellers passing me, I mused as to what I thought I had to offer. But the devils advocate in me stuck up for the other 50% of the ladies there and for myself. This blog and WW is not about us shouting we have the answers. It's about shouting to the world 'Hey look at me - I'm trying things, having fun and being awesome... and you can be too'.
For some being in front of the camera is comfortable and for some it can be very scary - but I promise for those that take the leap and give this a try, like me, you will find a supportive audience just waiting to encourage your efforts.
Caption: please can you move aside so I can have these pics taken (for the 50 millionith time)!!!
As promised each Wednesday I'm going to pick one of you beautiful ladies from the previous week to feature. It's a great chance to put the spotlight on new and exciting blogs that we might not have seen before. This week's special feature (and the most clicked post from last week) is Stella from 'The Golden Adventures of a Very Dark Horse'. I love that she celebrates her beautiful curves, but also that Stella's fun nature comes through in her posts (check out her stunning pics).
This week I'm linking us up with the other Wednesday Linkups: Real Girl Style (Real Girl Glam), WIWW (Transatlantic Blonde), Whatever Whenever (Rolled Up Pretty), What I Wore (Pleated Poppy), I Feel Pretty (Get your Pretty on) and Style Sessions (Style Elixir)! Joining us with a wonderful big world...
How to play?
- Please link to a specific blog post not just your general blog.
- Link to a post about clothes - that's what we're here for.
- Please add a link back here so other people can come over and see people's clothing posts too - the old fashioned way or grab a button below.
- Be encouraging and visit people - leave a comment now and again too; everyone loves to get encouragement!