dress: ralph lauren via macy's (similar colors, similar style) // boots: steve madden (similar) // striped shirt: h&m via thrift, CA // scalloped bag: thrifted, CA // belt: thrifted, VT
Here's some time travel for you all -- a look from a few days ago, pre-haircut. Looking at these pictures, I am so glad I got my hair cleaned up; it was getting pretty shabby. Plus, what is going on with my bangs in these pictures? It's like I have a perfectly circular bald spot... on my forehead? Oh, the trials and tribulations of having curls, and hair that grows like weeds!
Also, if this 30-30 has taught me anything, it's this: long sleeve striped shirts are my favorite. I copied myself on this look from last week: I threw a dress over my trusted stripes, added boots, bright lips and a belt, and headed out the door. With such a loud print, I wanted to keep everything else pretty tame. It's hard to tell in these shots, but this dress is covered in little mushrooms -- I love weird details like that.