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Take 5 - White Linen Pants

Written By Unknown on Monday, March 4, 2013 | 11:36 AM

It seems like ages since I last did a Take 5 challenge (see more here); this is where I pick an item from my wardrobe and show five possible ways to wear it.  One day this challenge will morph into five different bloggers styling that one piece but for now you've got me (in thrifted Primark white linen pants)!
white linen pants
#1 - Night Out
Stax black blazer (thrifted), leopard tunic as top (thrifted), Kmart lace black ballet flats, sparkly statement necklace.

# 2 - Lunch with friends
Carvela Nude suede wedges, Primark see through top, Supre white singlet, Matalan coral beads.

# 3 - Sailing on a brisk day (my favourite look)
H&M striped top, braided tan belt (free with something), No1 Shoe Warehouse tan flats, Gap denim jacket (thrifted)

# 4 - Special occasion (a continuous flow of colour, like the white here, is supposed to lengthen your body - it may have worked better if my hands weren't in the way of the 'flow')
Thrifted scarf, Glassons pink cardigan, Supre white singlet, Primark white flats.

 # 5 - Casual Friday at work
Dotti cobalt blue button up, Farmer silver necklace, white slingback wedges (thrifted)

White is one staple that is going to be big for the coming spring and autumn seasons world wide.  Instead of doing white on white (seeing that everywhere at the moment), I really tried to think of occasions and outfits that would be practical and comfortable for the every day wear.  Love to hear your favourites!!!

Linking up today with Monday Mingle, Thrifters Anonymous, Op Shop Showoff (A new NZ linky I have discovered) and Real Girl Style.

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