
Written By Unknown on Friday, February 22, 2013 | 12:59 PM

 skirt: thrifted, CA // shirt: urban outfitters // cardigan: urban outfitters // belt: from a long-lost h&m jacket // boots: thrifted, CA // earrings: italy, souvenir

I was told I look like a sunset in this outfit, which is fitting, because I didn't end up having time to take pictures yesterday until around then, anyways. So, here I am -- looking like a sunset, during a sunset. This is starting to sound like a Taylor Swift song in the making, huh? The next line would be, "my feelings for you, fading like a sunset," and then some vaguely coded insults about her most recent ex. Are your outfits ever inspired by imaginary pop songs? No? Just me? Good to know.

Photos by Sarah -- thanks!

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