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Our little secret

Written By Unknown on Monday, February 18, 2013 | 6:36 PM

dress: urban outfitters // shirt: urban outfitters // shoes: thrifted, CA // mini backpack: gift (thanks, ma!) // tote: curator // sunnies: street vendor, prague // necklace: forver 21

I've returned from spending the weekend at a lovely cabin in the woods (where we re-watched Cabin In The Woods -- sidenote: why would I do this? I am so horrible at scary movies!), and I've got to admit that my brain was a little behind (aka, still terrified; seriously, why would I think I could watch that movie and not be on edge all night?), so I didn't wear anything impressive today. Instead, here's a pre-haircut outfit from last weekend, which I wore out to meet up with a friend for a day devoted to exploring, thrifting and snacking -- and, might I add, we had great luck in all three. Particularly me, and particularly with thrifting; I snagged two vintage dresses, the most perfect leather LL bean boots (pictured below), and a(nother) moss green cardigan (you can never have to many. I swear), plus some other stuff that you'll see soon enough. I know, I know -- I have totally, completely failed at not shopping during this 30. In my defense, I think I held out for almost all of the first month, but since it's taking me so long to document each look (it's been about a month and a half since I started), I kinda decided to let that clause slide. Don't tell Kendi, okay? It'll be our little secret... that I just posted on the internet. Oops.

Looking at these pictures, I realize we captured two slightly different looks -- which do you prefer: shirt unbuttoned, necklace under, or shirt buttoned, necklace over? I think I'm partial to the former, since the overall vibe was so casual. 

Photos by Sarah -- thanks!

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