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Into the woods

Written By Unknown on Friday, February 15, 2013 | 8:00 AM

shirt: h&m in amsterdam, old // skirt: jcrew via thrift, CA // boots: steve madden // belt: f21 // earrings: gift (thanks, tim!) // bag: curator (this shop is a dream!)

Today, I'm headed off into the woods for a weekend mini-vacation with dear friends (where I'll be taking a break from 30-30ing and instead sporting some of my favorite cabin-chic styles) -- so here's an outfit that I wore last weekend at some point. Though I didn't make it to our farmers' market, I think this would have been perfect for picking out my weekly produce and sampling homemade cheese (yum). A few weeks ago, a girl who staffs a favorite stand told me she looks forward to seeing my outfits -- maybe next time, I should tell her that I have a blog...

I'm on the fence as to if I should hang onto this shirt after this 30 ends -- I got it years ago on a whim when I studied in Amsterdam, and never manage to wear it, despite my best intentions. The sleeves are a little... ambitious, as is the collar; but, I love the print, and it's one of the few blue-and-green items I own. I included it in this 30 with the hopes of forcing myself to wear it more, but so far, no dice. What do you all think? Keep or donate?

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