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Written By Unknown on Monday, February 4, 2013 | 7:31 PM

skinnies: ambiance // shirt: ralph lauren // cardigan: urban outfitters // purse: h&m via thrift, CA // belt: thrifted, CA // earrings: thrifted, MA

Still sick! What is going on, flu? I'm so over you. Luckily, I'm on the mend, but... c'mon! Today was day five of The Sickness, which is about five days too many if you ask me. It's also apparently day thirteen of this 30-30, though it feels way closer to the end than that. I've been pretty much exclusively wearing my picks since I started, but haven't managed to take pictures every day -- the challenges of blogging! Plus, Photobucket automatically upgraded me to their new (way worse) interface. Like my new in-picture font? I do not. Harrumph, I say!

In less grumpy news, here's an outfit from... probably two weeks ago. I wore this look for grabbing drinks at the local dive bar with a dear friend and neighbor (who recently turned 26 -- happy birthday, EV!). I was definitely overdressed for the location (think: sports bar, beer, tv, old men, plaid), but I felt great. Success!

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