Following on my from ramblings last week about trends and adopting them when you're in the opposite season, I thought today I'd experiment with a burgandy top (otherwise known to fashionistas as oxblood, maroon, berry or wine) - but with a summer twist. Some of the top colours for the US fall/winter season have been maroon and greens and it's been interesting to see them in some of our stores in summer pieces.
Anyway - does anyone else have seasonal envy?? Not that I would give up our sunny summer just yet but I do feel a bit behind the times down here occasionally!
I own a simple tee shirt, silk blouse, bolero cardigan and a maroon scarf already - but have added a pair of jeans to my winter wish list! I find this quite an easy colour to style; you can't go wrong with white, black, silver, grey, navy, tartan or even coral! Linking up with the beautiful ladies at Visible Monday, Monday Mingle and YOLO Monday.
Looking forward to FABruary and the Leather style dare tomorrow xo.