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Winter 2013 30-30-30 Challenge

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 | 7:38 PM

For me, post-holidays January usually is a time of cutting back from all the gluttony of December. No more cookie exchanges, no more vacations from work, no more pigging out at every meal (well... no promises on that one). In this spirit, I've decided to do Kendi's 30-30-30 challenge with some (blogless) friends -- you know the one: 30 pieces of clothing, 30 outfits, 30 days -- and no shopping. I confess that it might take me a little longer due to a quick trip to Vegas this weekend to celebrate a dear friend's birthday. What was I saying about January's lack of excess?

I've done the 30-30-30 challenge a few times this past year, and I love how it forces me to be creative with what I've got instead of buying more, which is especially important since we are moving soon and I really, really need to start focusing on having less. If you're interested in participating, take the plunge! And, if you have a blog, let me know in the comments -- I'd love to see your looks.

I should come clean and say that I started yesterday; I owe some outfit posts -- coming soon, I promise! In the mean time, here's a quick, inexact approximation of my items:

jan-feb 30-30-30 by lebvs 

And here's what's actually in my 30:
five shirts: gray t: gap // purple tank blouse: UO // lace tank: zara // navy t: thrifted, CA // navy, green and white blouse: h&m in amsterdam
four longsleeves: white and navy stripes: h&m via thrift CA // black turtleneck: f21 // chambray: f21 // white button-up with black polka dots: UO
six sweaters: yellow cardigan: express (gift, thanks ma!) // cream open knit cardigan: UO // gray shortsleeve sweater: bcbg via thrift, CA // cream sweater: h&m via thrift, CA // navy cardigan: banana republic outlet // gray jacket: banana republic
four skirts: navy skirt: jcrew via thrift, CA // pinkish purple pencil: thrifted, CA // sequin mini: thrifted, CA // turquoise pencil: thrifted, CA
two pants: denim highwaisted skinnies: ambiance // rust skinnies: f21
three dresses: red and blue: ralph lauren via macy's // pinkish lace: UO // black: gap
five shoes: leather boots: macy's // black riding boots: gap via thrift, CA / red wedges: payless // brown loafers: thrifted, CO // black booties: gap via thrift, CA

If you're good at math, you'll notice that my list only adds up to 29 items. I'm stuck on my last pick -- should I go with my gray heels or a cherry red shirt? Let me know in the comments! (And apologies for the uggo indoor photo; the rain got the best of me today.)

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