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Shark attack!

Written By Unknown on Monday, December 31, 2012 | 4:38 PM

fisherman's sweater: f21 // fur stole: vintage // dress: thrifted // tights: macy's // shoes: azos //
necklace: ?? // bag: thrifted, CA // sunnies: street vendor, prague // belt: thrifted, MA

I'm realizing most of my looks fall into two categories: rich old grandma or hyper-active, ADHD little boy. And you know what? I'm strangely into it.

I wore this out to brunch (what is better than weekday brunch, I ask you) and then for a quick walk. Before anyone asks -- yes, that is real fur. My cats can vouch for that too, as they went nuts once I brought it out of my closet. I bought this piece at a vintage pop-up night after months and months of consideration. Wearing fur is pretty controversial, but I've decided that if it's thirty years or older, I'm okay with it. I also got to practice my sweet negotiation skills and got the price cut just about in half -- if there's one thing I've learned in 2012, it's this: I am pretty skilled at bargaining (see: my pretty sweet part-time job, if you need more evidence). Or maybe not as great as I thought, because after today's wear, I'm a little worried about the integrity of the lining. Sadly, I think this stole needs some major mending. Good thing I'm crafty and up for the challenge!

Given that it's very nearly 2013, most bloggers are doing yearly recaps -- but, seeing as I started blogging less than a month ago, I won't bore you with déjà vu. I'm also usually not one for resolutions (the year my bestie and I vowed to quit gorging ourselves on bread and cheese is the only recent one I can remember, and that lasted less than twenty-four hours), but, maybe because I see big changes afoot for 2013, I've got three new guidelines for the new year:
  1. Buy what I need, not what I (only think I) want: This goal was partially the impetus for starting a blog, and I think it's a pretty common one for style bloggers. I just did a huge closet clean-out and was really struck by two things: first that I am a ridiculous packrat, and secondly: my closet makes no sense. Why would I have a billion sea foam green sweaters if I don't even like sea foam green? So, no more of that. I'd like to invest in some quality basics that I know I'll wear again and again instead of only having a wardrobe of ridiculous statement pieces (though, I'm not going to give those up anytime soon). I'd also like to apply this to all my purchases, not just sartorial -- I've needed a new computer since forever; I need new glasses; I need new mascara so I don't get some sort of horrible eye disease and go blind (do yourself a favor and do not Web MD anything). You know what I do not need? Another thrifted sea foam green skirt.
  2. As many hair cuts as dental visits: This one... is probably more unique among style bloggers. I'm (maybe?) growing out my hair from a pixie cut for the second time, and there have already been some mullets along the way -- there are certainly more to come. Getting professional haircuts actually helps a lot to prevent this from happening (I just heard you gasp through your computer; it's shocking, I know). I am slightly crazy about taking care of my teeth and go to the dentist every three to four months; I'd like to find a stylist who I love and get a trim more regularly than that.

  3. Make the most of California: I am an east coast girl at heart, and I'm thrilled to be moving to Maine in the coming months. Instead of focusing on how ready I am to be back east and all the things I can't wait to have (real bagels! seasons! cheaper living! lobster!), I'd like to be purposeful with my remaining time in San Francisco. This means less whining and more fun: day trips, adventures with friends and hitting up everything on my bucket list.
What about you -- any resolutions, or do you find them silly? As you can tell, I fall in both camps. But in more important news, I also found a pretty sweet shark mural -- perhaps my greatest accomplishment of 2012.

Photos by the lovely Thom.

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