hat: urban outfitters // sunnies: street vendor in prague // sweater: thrifted, CA //
chambray: f21 // skinnies: f21 // bag: thrifted, CA // flats: thrifted, CO
chambray: f21 // skinnies: f21 // bag: thrifted, CA // flats: thrifted, CO
I've basically been wearing this outfit nonstop since Friday, give or take -- I've been swapping in various hats and jeans and shoes, but the general idea has remained the same. I snagged this sweater from the children's section of Mission Thrift a few weeks ago, and despite some pretty narly stains on the front and a hole in the elbow, it's one of my favorite items (here's my super-secret solution for stains: I'm wearing it inside-out). As for this chambray, I've had it for years and used to dislike that it wasn't a button-up (it's a pull-over with buttons that reach half-way down), but I've recently fallen in love. Plus, it has pockets! Seriously, what's better than that?
All in all, this has been the perfect uniform for a pretty perfect weekend -- I've caught up with visiting friends, bought some new goodies (including this ideal winter hat), cleaned the apartment, grabbed groceries and played with the cats. Plus, we've watched about 4 hours of Doctor Who (and caught a late night showing of "Hitchcock"). That's what I call a weekend! What did you do with your last Saturday and Sunday of 2012?