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Cops and robbers

Written By Unknown on Sunday, December 23, 2012 | 7:45 PM

skirt: bcbg via thrift, CA // chambray: f21 // sweater: f21 // boots: steve madden, macy's // belt: thrifted, VT // socks: target, men's section

It has been raining like crazy this weekend, and I must confess that my desire to get dressed in actual clothes is directly affected by bad weather, so I haven't bothered to wear much worth photographing (unless you count my Haverford sweatpants and disintegrating hoodie from the 70s as noteworthy). So, this is a little number from earlier this week, when it was somehow still possible to wear skirts without tights. Those were the days!

As for the title of this post, something about these stripes just scream penitentiary uniform -- but in a good way, right?

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