shirt: f21 // skirt: h&m // scarf: gift, thanks ma! // tights: macy's // shoes: urban outfitters via goodwill
I have a confession to make -- I wore this outfit yesterday. Don't be mad, guys! While I'm at it, I should also confess that these pictures were taken on Sarah's camera instead of my dinky iPhone (iPhone, if you're reading this -- don't be mad. You have many talents but great pictures is not one of them.) Third confession? Yes, these tights are lace. I guess I totally underestimated the amount of lace I currently have in my wardrobe.
Since I'm only in the office one or two days a week now, getting dressed for work has become more fun (pencil skirts! heels!), and also much harder (most Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings: "whaaaaaaaat do I weaaaaaaaaaar?"). But this ended up working out perfectly -- I love the folds on this shirt, but it also has a weird peplum situation that never quite works the way I want it to when pants are involved. Solution: tuck it away and pretend it doesn't exist. Done and done.
I felt very dash-dot-dotty in this look, which I liked very much. And I think it passes her test, too:
Creative: peplum woes, be gone!
Young: Megawatt bright pink lips (thanks, Sephora)
Professional: Navy pencil skirt? Don't mind if I do.