How to Save a Relationship..??
There is time comes when the relationship came on a peak and the two lovers have getting thereself to break up. But if you miss your lover and don't want to let her/him go then you must compromise to yourself and keep saying sorry to your love, still if you thinks it is not my mistake, because you don't want to lose your love and want to spend a remaining life with your love. Here we have informed some steps to save a relationship, hope so you guys will take it help full, and with a help of these you can strengthen your relationship.
1. Missing your Love;
Lovers might have starting fighting so much and might have mock each others but still missed the togetherness that they had before. Instead of being stuck in this situation, go on. If you have a problem or excuse then spit it and say it to your love, don't hesitate. If you missed the company then say it that i am missing you so much and this is a good time to admit that and to say that you are in love and say the three words.
2. Truth and Honesty;
These simple two words are not just the words but a key whole of any relationship, if you have grabed these two words very tightly then you must save your relationship. Likewise if you think that the problem creates on you side then say it sorry and apologise it rather than stay it calm and waiting for the answer till the time goes and you lost your love one.
3. Don't ashamed or Trust on your Love;
You think that there is something which your love is hiding from you, then don't react like you want to spy your love now, Don't do that ever. This is the main cause of break up because your love thinks that your are not loving her/him, you are just want her/him. The good solution for this problem is that stay calm and cool and touchy. Be trust on your love and make the plans with and hang on every time, make her/him believe that you are the only person in there life and you will make a rest of your life with her/him. Trust on your love because if there is no trust or believe then it is not a relationship or love.
4. Remake Your Memories;
The best way to save your relationship is through recalling those days that you had on each other when you get close. Like, first time meeting, first kiss, first time saw, how did you felt in love, how come this all happens and all these things are really useful for making your relationship strong and healthy and because of this you make your love young and make him/her believe that you are a good choice for him/her life.
5. Needed Help;
When you both thought that we are stuck and keep fighting everytime but still you both don`t want to lose each other then you both must have to discuss your problems with experts like professionals, marriage counselor or just take a advise from your friends if needed. Friends are some time really good in it. Tell them eveything then take a advise that what you can really do to solve this problem and to be happy again and forever.
6. Some words which is useful in relationship;
-Say Sorry still if it's not needed.
-Keep saying that you Love her/him.
-Just put a smile on face of your love.
-Don't argued specially with girls.
-Say yes if your love felt on you.
-Kiss your love.
-Hug tightly.
-Always grab hands when you walked.
-Trust on love.
-Believe on love.
-Never break promises.
-Say truth never lie.
-And in last remind her/him each time that you are the only one in my life and want to spend a rest of my life with you.Happy and lovely.
All the above sentences and words surelly save your relationship from a bitter separation. So use them in your life and keep your love with you forever and ever. Love is too pure and Heart is too soft, so please take your steps slowly and never break anything.