What an epic weekend. Wickham festival, two nights camping, Marwell Wildlife Park, re-discovering Portsmouth and oh yeah a little car accident (rear ended a week before we leave the country - but everyone was fine).
I love doing weekends away - you don't have to take much and if things go wrong you're not away long so it doesn't matter. But oh my gosh are the kids terrors on Sunday afternoon after three days or 'party rules'. Early nights all round in our house! Here's a photo summary of our fantastic weekend and what I wore camping...
Day 1. Portsmouth Spinaker Tower in the background. |
Day 1. Amazing ER flower bed |
Day 1. The family at the Wickham festival (pics of us dancing were unappropriate!) |
Day 2. Marwell's park train - beloved Rhino came to visi his long lost cousins. |
Day 2. My favourite animal at the zoo (might be related to my love of monochrome) |
Day 3. Polka dots top to toe - holding my leather handbag which spent the night outside in the rain! |
I don't apologise for the hat in all pics - hair styling is just impossible out of a tent. Loved the ChocMint outfit and couldn't believe how well those colours mixed. So packing for a few days was easy - stay tuned this week for a post about packing for two-three weeks to move sides of the world! I'm sure there'll be a lot of remixing to be done... ~
yawn~ ... but now the couch is calling! xo