Next red skirt and sunglasses, Dorothy Perkins singlet, Primark silver cardigan and snakeskin print flats. |
Today's second-hand outfit was approximately £13 (skirt £5, cardigan £3, singlet £5) - less the shoes/necklace. I had to cheat a little and wear a retail singlet as I don't have many second-hand tops that a) are fitted and b) the right colours.
If you're not yet sure what body shape you are (and what to wear to suit it) try taking a look at this link. I stumbled across this absolute gem - last week in research You can look at the clothes available at most NZ Westfield malls that are A) in fashion and B) right for your body shape.
This site also has a great section covering up to date trends (ideas for how they go together), and shows you what shops are selling which items. Useful except they seemed to be clothes well suited to corporate office workers or size 8 models - again something I find intimidating!
I have to admit to you readers that I nearly wore that new green top from the weekend's shopping, but I realised that would have made this the 'Nothing but Green' challenge as supposed to 'Nothing New'! As the weather is still cool (about the same here in supposed summer as you're having in supposed winter NZ!) and I only own one pair of thrifted trousers this challenge/week is going to see many more skirts/dresses and probably tights combo's!