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Nothing New - Day Five

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 1:38 AM

Happy Wednesday.  It seems this photography lark is getting trickier - today we experimented with photos taken indoors.  Luckily the photographer has volunteered to take a course in a couple of months so watch this space for some imaginative pictures to come I promise!  Today's outfit cost approximately £5 - my best yet.

Marks and Spencers Dress, Patterned black tights Matalan.

It's Wardrobe Wednesday again and this week it's all about 'winter wardrobe staples' - as dresses, tights and boots are mine, this 'Nothing New' outfit was a no-brainer.  This dress is probably a bit short for me to comfortably wear it with bare legs, but with tights I feel like I could even wear it for work.

My favourite boots AGAIN I know!

Cheap and cheerful earing to round it off

Vertical stripes although usually a no-no for those wanting to minimise their width seem to work ok on this dress, I think because they are so thick.  Watch out for my new haircut in tomorrows post - I am absolutely dying to have it cut again and with the Defence ball coming on Saturday it's not a moment too soon!

Wardrobe Wednesday at SailorSpy.co.nz

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